
Sirenum is a monochromatic game taking place on the Pope, a ship that has been lost in space for more than a year. You and your sick companion, Lev, fly by what seems to be another dead planet. Or is it? You receive a transmission from this planet inviting you to land. Lev is not himself and becomes charmed, will you?


I programmed and designed all core systems, as well as the dithered outline post processing shader. The outline effect uses Discontinuity based methods for outlining. In this instance only the color discontinuity is used since I hand color faces of objects using vertex colors. All objects in the game are modelled by me.


  • Branching narrative.
  • Real time game progression. From start to finish, the game will take a maximum of around 10 minutes. The story progresses regardless of player action and had a large possibility space of outcomes.
  • Heavy dialogue usage.
  • Dither/Monochromatic Post-FX shader.

Learning Outcomes

  • Better understanding of branching systems and how to create architecture that doesn't lead to countless continuity bugs.
  • Proficiency in crafting a complex dialogue system that allows for subtitles.
  • Writing performant code that does not unnecessarily use compute resources. The game runs at a high framerate and scales well with high resolution screens.


Unity 3D, C#, Unity Audio, Maya, Blender, CG language for Unity post processing and object shaders.

Full Game

Additional Screenshots


