
Project Train is a retro FPS where you control a death train. The train has four shurikens that you can activate to kill demons that have infested the valley. This prototype consists of one level.


I was programmer and a technical artist for this game. I coded the train and its behaviour as well logic for core systems.

My Collaborator, Nick McKenzie, and I both coded enemy AI and sensory systems for these AI agents.

I also was in charge of creating the retro look -a post processing effect and an old school texturing style coupled with low polygon models. I was in charge of creating the VFX such as blood splatters and enemy attacks.

The large amount of enemies and VFX required coding lookup tables which could efficiently reuse objects - enemies and VFX instances. This optimized garbage collection and memory allocation - everything was done upon level loading.


  • Large amount of enemies existing simultaneously and extensive use of VFX (blood and attacks).
  • Train Physics.
  • Enemy AI and sensory control.

Learning Outcomes

  • Experience in creating efficient Lookup Tables that strike a good compromise between performance and memory requirements.
  • Finite State Machines Decision Making for Enemies using signals from a sensory control module.


Unity 3D, C#, WWise, Maya, Shuriken Particle System

Additional Screenshots